Our organization’s goal is to look at issues from a bigger picture perspective to try to find more holistic solutions for the big issues we see in the world such as social, racial, and economic equity, climate and environmental issues, and generally working to create a better more equitable, more sustainable, and more enjoyable world for everyone.

We recognize that there are already many great organizations, groups, and efforts working to address these issues and many are doing great work. It is not our goal to step into areas where good work is already being done, or to take the spotlight or resources from that area. In fact our goal is quite the opposite. If good work is being done in an area we hope to be able to support it with whatever resources we might have that organizations, groups, or efforts might need.

It is also our goal to fill in gaps where needed, work to create a more unified, and efficient system, foster communication and collaboration where it could benefit progress, and look for ways to innovate better systems or otherwise try to accelerate forward progress.


Our first goal is to launch this fundraising campaign as it is largely the cornerstone for the rest of our efforts.

Our second goal is to get the organization up and operational, build our operational framework, and start laying out much better defined goals, timelines, and systems for deciding how to most efficiently and effectively move forward.

Both will fall under our general fundraising campaign. If we start to raise funds beyond those needs they will be used to start addressing these bigger issues we are starting the organization to address. 


We will also have fundraising campaigns tied to specific projects so people can support a specific project and the financial support for that project can also give us a better idea of how much the community supports it and wants to see it succeed. 
The only one we are actively working on currently is a community organized and lead transportation program that we hope will include public transporation, individual point to point transportation, as well as some other possibilities like delivery service, food equity accessibility, etc. We will have more on that very soon and I hope to have a fundraising campaign specifically for that shortly as well.